Official Partners

Notariskantoor Broekmans

A secure future with jouw notaris ("your notary")

Building up a (new) life in the Netherlands is exciting: buying a house, getting married, having children, starting your own business or settling your estate. When you make one of these major steps in your life, it is good to be able to rely on a solid basis. Particularly if you are not fully acquainted with the rules and regulations of your new home country.

Notariskantoor Broekmans is a young, dynamic notary office in Eindhoven. We are looking forward to support you with any legal advice you need. Not only in Dutch but also in English and, on request, in any other language. We have contacts with a wide variety of interpreters and translators, so that we can make sure that you understand what you agree to and what you sign. This is the best way to enjoy a secure future in the Netherlands for you and the people that are close to you.

Buying a house

When you buy a house, you'll probably sign a purchase agreement at the real estate agent. On the basis of that agreement, the ownership of the house must be legally transferred. Notariskantoor Broekmans can draw up the deed of transfer for you. As soon as the deed of transfer is signed and registered at the Land registry office, you'll bet he lawful owner of your Dutch dream house.

To be able to buy the house, you will probably need a mortgage. The terms you agreed to with the mortgage bank have to be confirmed officially by signing a mortgage deed at the notary's office.

Living together

Do you want to share your life with your partner? Jouw notaris understands that everything that you both agree to has to be recorded sufficiently. In the Netherlands you can choose to make a samenlevingscontract (cohabitation agreement) or by getting married or registering as a partner. In a cohabitation agreement, you can agree on how you and your partner contribute to the costs of the household. Or how to divide your belongings when the relationship ends.

When you choose to get married, it can be wise to make a prenuptial agreement (huwelijkse voorwaarden). In such a contract, it is stated in how far you want to share your income or assets and whether you want to share any received gifts or inheritances. A prenuptial agreement is pre-eminently suited to protect your spouse from (financial) risks of your own business. 

Settling your estate

When you live your life to the fullest, making a last will is not the first thing that comes to mind. Nevertheless, it's important to settle your estate well. Especially if you live in the Netherlands and don't have the Dutch nationality. In that case, it is necessary to consider which law should be applicable to your estate: Dutch law or that of your own nationality? Jouw notaris will make sure that your wishes are incorporated in a solid last will, so that you can be sure that your next of kin are well taken care of.

Starting a business

Are you brooding a fantastic idea for starting up your own business? Often, in real life, there's no easy way to success. That's why a solid preparation is essential. Which legal form is wise? How do you provide for starting capital? Which permits do you need and how should your business be registered? Notariskantoor Broekmans will lead you on your way to turn your business into a success.



Mahatma Gandhilaan 4
5653 ML, Eindhoven
Tel: +31 (0)40 213 6360